FFC cable of mobile phone is the connection cable of mobile phone main board to mobile phone display screen, and the connection cable of camera, key board and main board is also FFC cable.
FFC is small in size and light in weight. The original design of FFC is to replace the larger wire bundle. In the current assembly board of plug-in electronic devices, FFC cable arrangement is usually the solution to meet the requirements of miniaturization and mobility. FFC (sometimes called flexible printed circuit) is to etch copper circuit or printed polymer thick film circuit on polymer substrate. For thin, light, compact and complex devices, the design solution includes from single-sided conductive circuit to complex multilayer three-dimensional assembly. The total weight and volume of FFC are 70% less than that of traditional circular wire harness. FFC cable arrangement can also increase its strength by using reinforcement materials or lining plates to achieve additional mechanical stability.
FFC cable can be moved, bent and twisted without damaging the wire. It can follow different shapes and special package sizes. The only limitation is volume space. Because it can withstand millions of times of dynamic bending, FFC cable arrangement can be well applied to the continuous movement or regular movement of the internal connected system, and become a part of the product function. The solder joints on the rigid pcb will fail after hundreds of cycles due to the mechanical stress.
FFC cable has excellent electrical properties, dielectric properties and heat resistance. "Low dielectric constant allows rapid transmission of electrical signals; good thermal performance makes the element easy to cool down; high glass transition temperature or melting point makes the element operate well at a higher temperature. "
FFC cable arrangement has higher assembly reliability and quality. FFC cable arrangement reduces the hardware needed for internal connection, such as the commonly used solder joints, trunk lines, backplane lines and cables on traditional electronic packaging, so that FFC cable arrangement can provide higher assembly reliability and quality. Because the traditional internal connecting hardware composed of many complex systems is easy to have high component dislocation rate when assembling. "FFC cable arrangement has low rigidity and small volume. It is precisely because of the small volume of FFC cable arrangement board components that less materials are used. "With the advent of quality engineering, a very thin flexible system is designed to be assembled in only one way, eliminating many human errors that are often associated with independent wiring engineering.
The application of FC cable arrangement is increasing rapidly. "Almost when you pick up any electrical appliance today, you will find FFC cable in it. Open a mobile phone, there are several different FFC cables in it, because the mobile phone is becoming smaller and more functional. The way to reduce the volume is to have smaller components, finer lines, tighter pitches, and bendable objects. Cell phones, computers, video cameras - almost everything we use today has FFC cables in it.